
John Miller, Acupuncturist

Acupuncturist in Clifton, NJ

John Miller

John is a licensed acupuncturist practicing in New York City. A graduate of the New England School of Acupuncture, John earned a Masters of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. At NESA, he studied Orthopedic Acupuncture/Trigger Point Therapy with Department Chair, Stephen Cina. Since 2006, he has studied with Tom Tam, learning Tong Ren, Tom Tam’s Healing System. He practices Tai Qi, yoga, Qi Gong, Pang Gu and meditation. For exercise, John runs regularly in Central Park, practices Hatha Yoga, commutes throughout the city on his bicycle and is an avid telemark skier.

John was contacted by a patient who was scheduled for Carpel Tunnel surgery in 12 days. After the first visit, the patient was surprised at having greatly reduced pain. A second and third visit were all it took to completely resolve the discomfort, avoiding surgical intervention.

“If you’re experiencing pain, get help for it immediately because often unattended, imbalances can get worse and progressively involve more bodily systems. Don’t be an ostrich; be proactive.”